Brand new features!

Alois Bělaška
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2014


Good news everyone!

Friends+Me has reached 20,000 happy users!

At the occasion of this tremendous success we’ve released a new FREE plan with reduced limits and some brand new features you will find very useful.

Other very important thing to mention is the new Friends+Me service status page where you can see all on going or scheduled incidents.

Connect more accounts with new FREE plan

The new free plan allows you to connect 1 account for every network supported by Friends+Me. So for example, you’ll be able to connect your Google+ profile or page, Facebook profile, group or page, one Twitter account, Linkedin profile, group or page and one Tumblr blog, all that for free.

Now you can give Friends+Me a proper try for free.

What new features?

Less permissions required for signing-up

Previous sign-up process required users to grant much more permissions to Friends+Me. Now you simply sign-up without any special permissions and you’re asked for more permissions only in case you want to connect your Google+ profile or page account as a source of new posts.

Sign-up with a Google+ Page account

Good thing especially for Google+ pages managers which don’t have to use their own personal Google+ accounts to sign-up to Friends+Me.

Custom “noshare” hashtag

Long awaited feature allows you to create your own hashtag with “no share” functionality. Every control hashtag can be turned into a “no share” hashtag. Currently there’s #ns and #noshare hashtag available by default for every account.

What does it mean? Friends+Me ignore all posts with “no share” hashtag.

Connect more than one Google+ profile

Manage reposts from more than one Google+ profile through one Friends+Me profile.

Re-schedule queued posts to a custom time

Easily re-schedule queued posts to a different time. Click at the scheduled time.

Retry failed reposts

If repost fails from whatever reason you can still retry for 5 consequence days.

Reconnect account to update description/image

Sometimes you change your social account name or image and than you’d like to propagate that change to your Friends+Me profile and that’s where account reconnect comes in handy. There’s “Reconnect” option in “Settings” menu in detail of every account.

